Peter Rayner

Peter Rayner

Railfuture vice president


Former British Rail operations manager.

Peter has been a regular contributor to Railfuture's magazine Railwatch.

He started as a junior on the railway and went on to hold a range of key positions in British Rail until 1992.

Since then he has worked as a consultant, giving advice on rail operations and safety, as well as lecturing, broadcasting and writing on transport policy and produced papers on the values of inclusion and accessibility to society.

He has acted as an adviser to the House of Commons select committee for transport.

He is currently the transport adviser and vice president of the National Pensioners Convention.

Since 2004, he has been a member of the AGE Platform, the expert group helping the European Union to improve access and independent living. He has represented AGE as a speaker at conferences in Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Geneva, Barcelona, Prague and Brussels.

He also chairs the Accessibility and Inclusion Forum for the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.

Peter is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, a fellow of the Institution of Railway Operators, an associate of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers and a member of the Chartered Institute of Management.

His book On and Off the Rails was published in 1997.

Recent papers include Concessionary Travel - Burden on Society or Valuable Asset (2011) available at Age Platform Europe.